Did you know that there are ways to maximise your brain potential?

Did you know that there are ways to maximise your brain potential?

Brain productivity is affected by a myriad of factors – learn how to use your brain effectively with these 5 easy steps!

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Author: Rebecca SE Tan

I was born and stuck with this brain because it’s merely genetics, right? Wrong. Research has shown that brain productivity is affected by much more than just hereditary factors, and that we can take active steps to improve our brain health and function. Here are five helpful tips to maximise our brain potential.


Step One: Use it!

Train the brain like a muscle – it gets stronger with every use. Activities such as reading, playing an instrument, learning a new language or even travelling can help improve the mental capacity of our brains. Be open to new experiences and seek awe around you – enjoying documentaries, nature walks or cultural events can improve our memory and mental flexibility. Challenge yourself to give your brain a workout, even by doing the things you love!


Step Two: Rest it!

Work hard, play hard - sleep is incredibly crucial for our brain function. Contrary to popular opinion, it is not about what time you wake, but rather the quantity and quality of your sleep. Adults should aim to get between seven to nine hours of sleep to focus better, reduce stress and enhance memory retention. In fact, sleep allows our brain to process all that has happened in the day, connect problems better and possibly even find new approaches to solve them.

Beyond physical rest, remember to rest your brains as well! Fill your workplace and homes with plants or go for regular nature walks. When we look at greenery, we occupy our brains in a restorative way, rather than the demanding attention by laptops and billboards. Need help convincing your HR office to bring in plants? Tell them that nature not only replenishes your brain’s resources and boosts productivity, but also improves your mood!


Step Three: Keep it healthy!

Keep your mind and body healthy with the right foods and sufficient exercise. Good food boosts our brain productivity while junk foods make it easier for us to lose focus and motivation. According to the World Health Organization, a good diet is high in fruit, vegetables, nuts and fish, while being low in saturated fats, sugary foods and meat. Such a diet provides antioxidants which cleanses harmful products in our brain. While we may not need to eat luxurious and often unaffordable ‘superfoods’, gradual and incremental changes to our diet can work wonders.

Also put in an effort to exercise. Exercise allows for more efficient usage of oxygen and nutrients for brain function, and even reduces the risk of dementia! Fret not, this does not have to entail daily running, swimming or cycling. Other leisurely activities such as nature walks, dancing, or yoga can be a great start! There are also many helpful online exercise videos for beginners if you prefer staying in the comfort of your home.


Step 4: Find YOUR flow

Have you heard of others ‘getting in their zone’? Scientists refer to this ‘zone’ as a state of cognitive flow which allows maximum focus and productivity on our task. We achieve this flow by occupying our conscious attention on a task while making sure our unconscious attention isn’t distracted. One interesting way is playing background music, such as video game soundtracks, which help to mask obtrusive noises while occupying our unconscious attention. While playing background sounds may be a common way to boost productivity, it is important to note that reaching this flow is different for various individuals. Go ahead and experiment what works for you!


Step 5: Don’t be too hard on yourself!

Society may feed us the expectation that we must keep busy at all times. Such pressure is actually counterproductive for our brain function, as we may not be able to pay attention and remember so many details at once. Instead, work-life balance is crucial in preventing burnouts and maintaining productivity. Hence, when it comes to optimizing our brain use, it is more important to focus on quality over quantity.

Another myth to dispel is the idea that hard work always pays off. This age old saying implies that if you didn’t achieve something, it is simply because you did not work hard enough – which may not be true at all! Sometimes the cards we are dealt boils down in part from luck, inequality, or many other factors. If you did not achieve the goals you set out for, take care not to blame yourself too much!


With these 5 steps, pave your way towards optimal brain productivity. Interestingly, research suggests that even believing that we can take control of our brain health and having a positive outlook towards ageing can concretely boost our neural health. Let’s strive to unlock our fullest potential and be the best version of ourselves!

Topic:  Science
