Facts about Lions you probably did not know!

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Our Singapore Zoo’s African Lions made headlines recently when they contracted COVID-19. They have shown mild symptoms of coughing, sneezing and lethargy. They were 4 Asiatic Lions and an African Lion. Here are some fun facts you probably did not know about the mighty lions.


  1. Lions mostly exist in Africa, and a small population in Asia

Most of the populations of Lions exists in Africa (known as the African Lion), and a small population were from India (known as the Asiatic Lions). Lions in West and Central Africa are more closely related to these Asiatic lions in India. The Southern and East Africa ones are African Lions.


  1. Lion cubs have spots on them

When the lion cubs are born, as they grow, they have spots and rosettes on them. The spots generally disappear as they mature.


  1. A Pride of Lions

Perhaps you have learnt during elementary school. A group of Lions is called “A Pride of Lions”.


  1. Lions are the second largest cats on earth

Losing slightly to the biggest cat, the Siberian Tiger weighs 90-310kg, as compared to a lion at 160-260kg.

  1. Lions are Social Animals

Lions live, hunt, and protect each other in a group. They live in a pride, and usually led by the pride male, also known as the king of the pride. The role of the king is to protect the lionesses, and usually the pride is made up of ten to fifteen lions. Sometimes there may be three or four kings in the group, and they share the responsibility to protect the group.


  1. Lions don’t need to drink, but they need to eat

Lions can don’t drink for up to four days, but they must eat. Male Lions need to eat up to 7kg of meat daily, and lionesses up to 5kg. Their source of protein is typically from zebras, wildebeest, water buffalos. A lion can eat up to 40kg in a single meal.


  1. Lionesses are the huntress too

The female of the pride does most of the hunting. This is because they are smaller, faster and more agile. Usually, they work in a group to take down a single wildebeest, or zebra. The King’s role is to protect the pride.


  1. Lions’ Communications

Lions communicate in various was through sounds like roars, growls, moans, and grunts. They leave scent marks, and they bond through rubbing each other’s heads to spread the scents.


  1. Male Lion’s Mane is a symbol of its dominance

The male lion’s mane (the hair that grows around it’s head), gets longer and darker as they grow older. It’s a symbol of dominance of the animal, and to attract females. It helps to protect the head and neck from getting injured when they fight.


  1. Cubs are reared in a group

Cubs and new-borns are reared by the pride’s lioness, regardless of whether it’s their biological mother or not. They would suckle on other lionesses’ that have milk.

Topic:  Nature
