Facts you probably didn’t know about Physics

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What is the first thing that comes to mind, when you think of Physics? Personally to me, it’s Albert Einstein, famous for his theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space, time, gravity, and the universe. Did you know that every day, we use physics for almost everything that we do, and everything surrounding us are physics?


Did You Know that Water slows down light?

Each water molecule has individual surface tension, which distorts the image you see.


Did You Know Sound creates heat?

Sound waves generate heat when they travel and are absorbed by materials.


Did you know you can see transparent objects?

The reason why you can still see transparent objects is because they reflect light. That’s why you can still see glass, ice, water. Hence, an invisible man, technically can be seen if they move.


Did You know that winds have shadows?

Wind can cast shadows, they’re just not visible to the naked eye and need to be processed via machine. Indirectly, with the naked eye, you can see the movements of the wind through leaves, waves crashing, hair flowing, and clouds moving.


Did You know that Sound is visible to the eyes?

Vibration is the visual of sound. Every time something vibrates, it creates sound, vice-versa.


Did You know that Water removes body heat quicker than air?

If you feel cold during winter’s day, try soaking yourself in a hot bath. The fastest way to change body heat is through water’s molecule. This is because water is 20 times better as a conductor than air and is 770 times denser than air. It’s going to be winter soon, and if you are planning to visit a winter country, remember this tip!


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Topic:  Science
